Other sources for Fertilty information in cancer or leukemia


  • JNCI Monographs, Volume 2005, Number 34, March 2005 [LINK]
  • Schover L. et al, ASH-Education Book, 2005 (1): 523. (2005). "Sexuality and Fertility after Cancer"[LINK]


National Cancer Institute
This PDQ cancer information summary provides comprehensive, peer-reviewed information for health professionals about sexuality and reproductive issues that cancer patients may experience during or after treatment. [LINK]

Fertile Hope
Fertile Hope is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing reproductive information, support and hope to cancer patients and survivors whose medical treatments present the risk of infertility [LINK]

These are no recommendations! If you want to add an interesting source to this list, please contact the European Leukemia Information Center: elic@em.uni-frankfurt.de